We created this site to share useful and accurate information on horse riding trails and horse driving trails in central Pennsylvania and beyond. Our guides are centered around State College and Altoona but radiate outwards through Central Pennsylvania. In 2024 we have ridden new trails in Wopsononock Tract and Trough Creek, scouted God’s Country and Kettle Creek, and hope to ride in Quehanna Wilderness and maybe the vast Pennsylvania State Game Lands 174 near Sidney before the year is out.

We have FREE horse trail maps showing many public horse riding trails in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland and more. We also share odds and ends like musings on Pennsylvania’s Industrial History and how it relates to horses.

Trail Guides

We write horse trail guides based on scouting trips and actual horse riding experiences around Pennsylvania. Most are up to date as of 2023 and some have been added or updated in 2024. We will add more in 2024 and if we see or hear about something that has changed we actually update it.

Places You Can’t Ride

The following trails unfortunately prohibit horseback riding:

Ideas for Future Rides

We added our first page discussing an idea for a future riding project:

Comments are Welcome

If you’d like to suggest a place to ride, improvements to our guides, or anything else meaningful, send us a message. We don’t do social media!
