New for 2025, we added this page with links to decent videos to preview Hunter Paces and Paper Chases in central Pennsylvania and Maryland. Enjoy!

See our 2025 Horse Events Schedule for these events and more.

New Market/Middletown Valley Hunt

Nice low-key hunt with a welcoming, smaller club near Frederick, Maryland. Mixed woods and fields, a few rocky spots, possibly small water crossings. Plenty of space despite a large turnout.

Graceful Acres

Started in fall 2024, this therapeutic riding center hopes to hold hunter paces every spring and fall in state forest northeast of Harrisburg near Halifax. This will be the closest regular event to true Central Pennsylvania.

Terrain is a bit rocky, and there is a steep climb up and descent down at the end. Nice ride overall, but shoes or boots might be best. Big crowd, parking got a bit tight for later riders.

Beaufort Hunt

This hunter pace is a relatively long distance and held only in early spring, which seems counterintuitive. After an initial steep climb it seems like most of it is relatively easy fields. It’s held at Twin Brooks Horse Shows ground near Harrisburg.

Carrollton Hounds

Didn’t make it in 2024 due to weather, but friends tell me this is a very fun hunter pace course not that far down into Maryland. Hoping for good weather this spring!

Cheshire Paper Chase

Mister Stewart’s Cheshire Hounds holds paper chases in the stunning Runnymede preserve next to Boyd Martin’s farm. Didn’t make it yet, but these rides seem beautiful! Gotta work on our stream crossings before we go to this one 🙂

Brooklawn Paper Chase

Chester County Equine Events holds paper chases on conserved lands in Kennett Square, right near New Bolton Center. Another Chester county event we need to make.

Tranquillity Manor Hunter Pace

This farm outside Baltimore has a number of events during a typical year, usually a spring paper chase and fall hunter pace. Spring chases are about 6-7 miles and hunter paces only 2-3 miles. Most are held two consecutive days (Saturday/Sunday or Sunday/Monday), which gives you some scheduling flexibility.

Race to the Rock

Royal Rock Farm in Noxen, west of Scranton, holds a number of small hunter paces and trail rides each year, which aren’t too far from central Pennsylvania.

Fair Hill Paper Chase

The massive Fair Hill Natural Resources Area in northeast Maryland hosts a number of paper chase events. If you’ve never been there, this video will give you an idea of the terrain and trails. There is a reason it’s used to host the Maryland 5 Star!